The Discerning Mollusk's Guide to Arts and Ideas. Contributions by Stephen Baily, P.J. Blumenthal, Christopher Boucher, Marvin Cohen, Kyle Coma-Thompson, Bradley David, W.J. Davies, Matt Dennison, Richard Dinges, Scott Edwards, Giorgio Ferretti, Jack Foley, Mike Fox, Avital Gad-Cykman, Jake Goldsmith, Charles Holdefer, Amber Isaac, Hank Kirton, Jake La Botz, Carl Landauer, Roy Lisker, Jionghao Liu, Nate Logan, Kurt Luchs, Mike Marks, Melissa McCarthy, Andrew McKeown, Kat Meads, Kirsten Mosher, Allan Peterson, Jennifer M. Phillips, Eric T. Racher, John Repp, David Rose, M Sarki, Andrea Scrima, Vik Shirley, Mike Silverton, Lucian Staiano-Daniels, Alex Tretbar, and David Winner.