Jionghao Liu (刘炯浩 liú jiǒng hào) is a doctoral student specializing in Translation Studies at Binghamton University. Proficient in Chinese, Japanese, and English, her current research centers on Japanese literary adaptations of Chinese pre-modern fiction. Her translation portfolio primarily encompasses rendering Japanese works into Chinese, including the titles: 印象派名画为何如此有趣 (Why are Impressionist Paintings So Interesting), 设计这件事 (School of Design), 名画中的希腊神话 (Greek Mythology in Famous Paintings), and 浮世绘大师笔下的英雄豪杰 (Heroes Depicted by Masters of Ukiyo-e), among others. Presently, she is actively involved in a Chinese-Japanese translation project for 翻译论集 (Collected Papers on Translation in China). Liu has also contributed to the compilation of Vocabulary Books and Exam Analysis for the CATTI (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters) in the Chinese-Japanese language pair.