Polly Atkin is a multi-award-winning writer, essayist and poet based in Grasmere, Cumbria, where she has worked and researched at Dove Cottage, home of the Wordsworths and is a specialist in the life and work of Dorothy Wordsworth. Her first poetry collection, Basic Nest Architecture (Seren, 2017), won a Northern Wrtier’s Award and was followed by a third pamphlet, With Invisible Rain (New Walk, 2018). Her first pamphlet, bone song (Aussteiger, 2008), was shortlisted for the Michael Marks Pamphlet Award, 2009, and second, Shadow Dispatches (Seren, 2013), won the Mslexia Pamphlet Prize, 2012. Her first non-fiction book, Recovering Dorothy (2021), will be followed by a memoir in essays exploring place, belonging and chronic illness, Some of Us Just Fall, to be published in July 2023.