On the cover: Mike Silverton's arresting "Water Only When Coil Droops". Once freed, look inside for: Jake Goldsmith on knowing the past; Melissa McCarthy on orcas and James Bond; David Winner on Nazi lovers; Jack Foley on Milton and Iván Argüelles; W.J. Davies on not reading Thomas Hardy; Kurt Luchs on Homer and Emily Wilson; Marvin Cohen on Molière, stones and clouds; Mike Fox on David Wheldon; Carl Landauer on The Spy Who Came in From the Cold; Giorgio Ferretti and Andrea Scrima in conversation; P.J. Blumenthal on Wolfgang Berends; Jionghao Liu on Chinese tomb-raider horror fiction; Roy Lisker's silent music; metaclamician Christopher Boucher getting locked out of the issue; and more from Stephen Baily, Kyle Coma-Thompson, Bradley David, Matt Dennison, Richard Dinges, Scott Edwards, Avital Gad-Cykman, Charles Holdefer, Amber Isaac, Hank Kirton, Jake La Botz, Nate Logan, Mike Marks, Andrew McKeown, Kat Meads, Kirsten Mosher, Allan Peterson, Jennifer M. Phillips, Eric T. Racher, John Repp, David Rose, M Sarki, Vik Shirley, Mike Silverton, Lucian Staiano-Daniels, and Alex Tretbar.